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The Indian summers are known for their harshness & with the passing by of each year, the rising temperatures break jaw – dropping records! Considering this dire situation, the Foundation runs it’s annual Water Bowl Initiative by placing sturdy cement water bowls for the street animal community across Delhi NCR. The bowls are provided for free to individuals keen on volunteering to fill them daily with fresh water
In the last 4 summers since 2018, we have distributed 1000 bowls that, on an average, would have helped serve over 5000 street animals (Much to our delight, the bowls were readily accepted and adopted not just by dogs but also cats, cows, horses, donkeys, birds and squirrels!)
Placing a bowl of clean water every day for the animals in the streets and the birds in the skies takes less than 5 minutes of your time. BE KIND.
If you would like to collaborate and sponsor our next Water Bowl Initiative, please do get in touch!